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我最早接触计算机科学是在小学的一节机器人编程课上,当时我从完成简单的机器人任务中体会到了巨大的成就感,例如沿着直线行走任务或避障任务。我的机器人课老师很快就发现了我的潜力,指引我开始学习 Pascal 语言。其余的,正如他们所说的那样,已经成为了历史。多种编程语言(CPP、Java、Python 和 Matlab)和算法(Dijkstra、OMP 和 IDA*)一直在帮助我创建许多先进的项目:2019年初我的机器学习项目就可以在极少量训练集的情况下,将对被覆盖的人脸进行分类的准确率提高到了 83%;我的另外一个深度学习项目在识别动漫人脸的关键特征方面的准确率达到了96% 。同样 2019 年初,我在 SCU-ICPC 和 Leetcode 竞赛等全国性和世界性的编程竞赛中都获得了很好的荣誉。这一路走来的每一步,都在验证我选择计算机科学作为我的专业的正确性。



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SHA256 : afbac038ba2b85fd702b734a3d3abc0c5af9f9a961f7cfd3492994e142c87359

The future that you will think

The place that you will go

My earliest encounter with Computer Science was a robotic programming class at primary school, when I experienced an enormous sense of achievement from accomplishing simple robotic tasks, including following lines or drawing circles. My coach soon spotted my potential and pushed me to Pascal. The rest, as they say, is history. Multiple programming languages (e.g. CPP, Java, Python and Matlab) and algorithms (e.g. Dijkstra, OMP and IDA*) have been helping me create many advanced projects: earlier 2019, my machine-learning project on classifying covered faces has reached an accuracy of 83% with a reduced training set and my deep-learning project on identifying key features of animated faces has reached an accuracy of 96%. Also earlier 2019, I was awarded First Place Honors in nationwide and worldwide programming competitions, such as SCU-ICPC, Leetcode Contests, and many more. Every step in this journey has been validating my choice of Computer Science as my major and future career.

Currently, I futher my Computer Science education under the guidance of Professor JianCheng Lv, who is also the dean of the College of Computer Science, Sichuan University. In his DICA Lab, I mainly focus on large-scale deep learning, optimization and multi-model processing.